Your Journey Starts HereAt Miami Valley Works, our mission is to help willing and capable people living in poverty achieve economic self-sufficiency through employment. We want to work with you to make a better life for you and your family. If this is something that you are interested in, Miami Valley Works is the place for you! Miami Valley Works is not a placement agency or temporary service. We are an organization that is committed to helping you improve your life, gain full-time employment and achieve economic self-sufficiency. What does that mean to you? It means that you will build the skills you will need to find and keep a good job with benefits. It means that you will be able to provide for your family, pay your bills and save money – all with your paycheck. You will no longer need public assistance. Sound too good to be true? It's not. Our motto is "One Year at One Job." Miami Valley Works offers many services to help you take that first step in creating a better life for yourself. All of these services are offered at no cost to you.
If you are interested in becoming a Member or know someone who could benefit from our program, please call Ms. Michelle Feltz at 937.528.6496 for more information.